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Monday, July 11, 2011
The Lord and His Prayer
So, how should we pray? Just follow our Leader. He has given us His lead in Lord's Prayer. There are five parts in The Lords Prayer that we should remember when we pray:
a. Praising (Matthew 6: 9)
We must praise His Name in our pray. This is the first thing we must to do when we praying. We praise Him because He deserves it. Praise the Lord is the main goal in our worship to Him. Don't even forget it.
b. Confession (Matthew 6:10)
We confess He is Omnipotent and He has the rights to our life. He can do whatever He want, because He have the entire world and Heaven. We surrender our life to His decisions, include our prayer.
c. Demand (Matthew 6: 11)
What should we demand or ask to Him in our prayer? Something we want or something we really need? Jesus itself has taught us to asking what we really need.
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Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Healing Prayer
Healing prayer does not involve monetary donations. Although offering contributions to houses of worship is certainly worthwhile there is no amount of money that can guarantee a cure to a physical or emotional pain. Some unscrupulous individuals may offer stories of healing and divine intervention and offer you the opportunity for healing for a fee. These individuals should be avoided. True healing prayer is pure and heartfelt.
Thursday, April 28, 2011
How to Pray An effective Prayer
Why do so many people's prayers go unanswered? It really does seem like prayers are answered in preferential order, since some come to pass and many others don't. Is God really going by some criteria that we have to meet in order to have our prayers answered or could it be that we're just going about praying the wrong way?
From my observation, most people pray by begging for what they want. "Oh please let this happen." Or "I really need this, please bring it to me." If it's something really important, we often barter for the service. "If you heal me of my cancer, I promise to always be nice and loving toward everyone!" Sometimes this works but more often than not, it doesn't. I think it's because this form of prayer places us in a position of powerlessness. We're asking for things we don't think we can attain on our own and that makes us feel powerless and this feeling often brings about results that reflect it. "But I am powerless! I can't cure myself The Power of Simple Prayer: How to Talk with God about Everythingof cancer. I need intervention!"
Who told you you can't cure cancer? In medical terms, it's called spontaneous remission. People are diagnosed with cancer and return weeks or months later for a follow up and there is no sign of it anymore. There are many documented cases of people with Multiple Personality Disorder who have been diagnosed with cancer as one personality but show absolutely no signs of it as another personality. This is proof that we are more powerful than we give ourselves credit for.
Monday, April 11, 2011
Monday, April 4, 2011
What To Pray For ?
When things become horribly impossible, prayer is the only answer. It really is an admission of who is in control - for we are not!
Prayer is never the wrong thing to do when the world goes haywire on us, for the fact remains, the world's not the problem so much - our default view of things is generally the real issue.
Our prayers then can help us conform our thinking, or at the very least they convict us to a simple peace that God has all this chaos somehow in his charge.The Prayer of Jabez: Breaking Through to the Blessed Life
The Therapeutic Nature of Prayer
This concept then has a soul-beauty about it; even as if we weren't there and weren't able to get in our own way - for there's nothing worse - getting in our own (and God's) way.
Prayer, therefore, is appropriate separation and 'detachment' to the coursings of life. It facilitates the gentle rocking of the soul anesthetised by its Lord.
We're only benefited to train in this activity - to make it part of who we are. It can only help. Our identities are fused this way to a God who designed life, in the first place, to happen in fusion with him and his Spirit.
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Prayer of Guidance
Teaching P.R.A.Y.E.R. (Prayer): Guidance for Pastors and Spiritual Leaders
anytime by talking to Him like your friend, which He is. God doesn’t always answer us the
way we think he should and on our time frame but you can be assured that by staying
connected to God in prayer will keep you on track even if your train gets derailed.
We like to think we have control over our lives but we really don’t. We are all just one
heartbeat away from death. And if we cannot control our heartbeat, or the spinning of the
earth in orbit within a vast and infinite universe, we really don’t have control of
anything, right?
So, no matter what your goals or personal concerns are stay focused on God for guidance. If
you have accepted Jesus into your life as your personal savior then remember what he said:
* Mat 7:7 Ask and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be
opened unto you
* John14:26 But the Comforter, even the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my
name, he shall teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all that I said unto you.
* John 14:27 peace I leave with you; my peace I give unto you: Let not your heart be
Lover's Prayer
troubled, neither let it be fearful.
God cares about you personally and will always look out for your best interests even when it
doesn't feel like He is.
Prayer For Guidance
Keep the faith!
Friday, February 4, 2011
5 Things We Should Pray For in 2011!
As 2010 has come to an end, we celebrate another year that God has given us. Some of us struggled a great deal in 2010. We lost jobs, homes, cars, savings and 401k accounts. Because of these losses, we have become sad, depressed and faithless. Even as Christians, we may have stopped praying to God because we think he has betrayed us. But God has never left us or betrayed us, because he loves us unconditionally. God also asks us to pray without ceasing, which means we should be in constant communication with Him - in good times and bad. We may not understand why these things are happening, but now that 2011 is here, what should we be praying for in the coming year?
1. Pray for wisdom. In the book of 1 Kings 3:9-15, Solomon was David's son, who was a man of God's own heart. When Solomon became king, God was pleased because he built a temple for him and continued to follow his laws. God came to Solomon in a dream and told him to ask for whatever he wanted. Instead of Solomon asking for riches and honor, he asked for a discerning heart to govern his people and to distinguish between right and wrong. God was so pleased with Solomon's request, that he granted him great wisdom, as well as riches and honor, even though he didn't ask for it. Solomon's story gives us a great example of wisdom, because we need to recognize what's right and wrong in our lives. And by doing so, when we are doing wrong, we can pray to God to get our lives back on track. God can also give us wisdom when reading his word. Once we receive wisdom, we receive understanding. When Jesus came to save us, he gave us the knowledge of truth. And that truth can only come from believing in the Son of God. Psalm 119:97-100 says, "Oh, how I love your law! I meditate on it all day long. Your commands make me wiser than my enemies, for they are ever with me. I have more insight than all my teachers, for I meditate on your statutes. I have more understanding than the elders, for I obey your precepts." When we read God's word and follow his law, we will have better insight in our lives and our families lives as well.
2. Pray to overcome demonic barriers. Satan is a very powerful spirit. He was created as the most beautiful angel of them all. He was so beautiful and full of himself, that he wanted to be God. And he convinced other angels to follow him and become his demons. We all know that God cast him and his demons out of heaven and gave him permission to roam this world. And because of this, he seeks to devour God's people. Satan is busy doing his evil deeds, everyday - all day. He's even using these hard, economic times to continue to do so. His goal is to convince us that we need the material possessions that we have and wants us to destroy ourselves and others if we lose them. But Satan is a liar and the biggest manipulator! Ephesians 6:10-18 says, "Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil's schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.
or strength to overcome temptation. We all should know the story of Adam and Eve being tempted in the Garden of Eden. In Genesis 3:1-6, Satan persuaded Eve to eat fruit from the tree of knowledge so she and Adam would be like God, knowing good and evil and gaining wisdom. After this act of great temptation, sin entered the world. Jesus said to his disciples in Luke 17:1 that, "Things that cause people to sin are bound to come, but woe to that person through whom they come." Jesus lets us know that we are going to be tempted, but to be careful and not tempt others to follow us and sin as well. We are to also be careful in being tempted away from God. By worshipping idols, such as: money, cars, houses, jobs, people, etc, these things can pull us away from God and focus all of our attentions on seeking these worldly possessions. God already promised us that he would take care of our needs, so if we put Him first in our lives, these things we will have. Another big temptation we as humans face are temptations of the flesh and/or adultery. God warns us against this, because it can or will destroy families.
4. Pray to strengthen others spiritually. We all go through trials and tribulations. Some are worse than others. When bad times happen, we should build on our faith in God who strengthens us even more. In order for us to give strength spiritually to others, we must have strength ourselves.
5.Pray God's will to be done on earth. As stated before, Satan's job is for us to do his will, not God's. But his will also seeks to destroy us.
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
Welcome The Challenges
Welcome The Challenges
Welcome the challenges. How odd! Through all that we've gone through and continue to go through how can we possibly welcome the challenges?
What if we don't? And we resent every unwanted situation that we attract to ourselves. Then what? Are we aligned with the possibilities to create a new way of thinking, transformation and healing for ourselves?
How can we? When we are wasting and using our energy to fight with our challenges rather than accepting them so that we can learn and grow.
Weather we accept this or Not we are growing through every experience in this life. So why Not or why yes make it easier by being present with each obstacle and see it for what it is.
Can we say we can see it, perceive it and interpret it in such a way that we can handle with care? Can we possibly handle our challenges the way we care for our loved ones, pets, plants, homes, business and others?
We love to love and pay specific attention to our loved ones. Even when we watch beautiful people on television and in the papers we love to pay special attention to them.
And when it's time for us to grow through a specific event in our lives we do everything in our
power to distract and avoid handling it with care.
Why is it that we neglect what is obviously a change or a transformational period in our lives?
Is it because we keep ourselves busy with other things such as over eating, shopping, consuming excessive alcohol, gossiping, smoking whatever we can smoke and abuse our sexuality through all this process?
To say that challenges are destructive is truly misleading. As we surely know that everything else that we think, do and say that is contrary to the resolution of our problems and challenges is destructive in the long run.
So what to do? Can you possibly take time out of your busy schedule today and really be present with your challenge and make amends with it. I invite you to sit with your challenge today and see what it's really here to teach you. Believe it when I say that you will be practicing Self-love by doing so. You will learn more about yourself and you shall slowly overcome your unwanted habits of running away from your problems, blocks, obstacles and challenges.