If you take a course on writing or attend a writer’s conference,
you’ll likely hear the phrase, “Show, don’t tell.” In other words,
“show” your readers what is happening, don’t just tell them. Don’t tell
readers what you did; describe doing it.
One of the reasons we tend to tell rather than show is that it’s
easier and faster. Showing how to do something requires time and effort.
In teaching, it’s easier to tell students what’s wrong with what they
did than to show them how to do it right. The latter, however, is more
For thousands of years, the Jewish people had only the law telling
them what to do and what not to do. But then came Jesus Christ, who
showed them how to live the life God had been telling them about all
along. Jesus didn’t just say, “Be humble”; He “humbled Himself” (Phil.
2:8). He didn’t just say, “Forgive others”; He forgave us (Col. 3:13).
He didn’t just say, “Love God and your neighbors”; He demonstrated love
by His actions (John 15:12).
Christ’s perfect example of love shows how great God’s love is for us and how we are to show His love to others.