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Monday, December 13, 2010

What You Didn't Know About Jesus Birth?

The Blessed Birth of Jesus Christ is still the most revered and powerful moment even after more than two centuries there is no interesting topic for theology students and none better bedtime story for kids. Here are some interesting things about the arrival of Jesus Christ.

The native place of Jesus was Nazareth; this is about 80 miles away form the Bethlehem. According to Luke Chapter 2, the ruler asked every one to be present in Bethlehem for registration. This was the reason that Mary had to move to the city which was signified as the birth place by the old prophets.

Joseph took Mary took the long journey which was full of hardship just a few days before the birth of Jesus. The only apparent reason for this change of place is said that Mary living alone behind had no one to take care of while she was alone giving birth to the Jesus. The virgin girl claiming the birth of child would have been treated harshly in the home town so in a way it saved the family too.

The Bethlehem is understandably full of people for registration. This was not a normal situation, the real reason might be the fulfillment of prophesy of birth of Jesus surrounding with the loving souls and animals. The birth of Jesus has blessed humble farmhouse to the most sacred place in the world.

The arrival of Jesus was the moment of joy for Mary. The newborn was covered with few strips of cloth as seen in so many depictions found later. Just think about the cold weather, this was his blessed birth that had given glow to the whole room. The shepherds also saw miracles alongside almost every one who become in contact with the blessed child.

The birth of the Messiah for worlds was not a small event, there are so many signs and miracles still happen on his arrival. Some students try to find the different sides of story the new dimensions about it, but with each step the humanity is gaining his blessings of Jesus Christ more each day.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Free Online Christian Dating Services

It is not necessary that on the very first date the one should start planning the wedding but dating can be the first step taken towards a Christian marriage. The mention of marriage on the first day may make anyone scared, but Christian dating is essentially dating with the intention of marriage. There is always a marked difference between Christian dating and other dating. So this concept of this should be very clear before starting the dating.

Christian dating means to follow Christian ethics when you are going on a serious date. It does not mean to date a Christian, going on Christian place and doing Christian acts. It is wrong to ask to date a person whom you see as a potential friend rather than taking a person whom you see as a potential husband or wife. No doubt on the fact that husbands and wives should be good friends, but their friendship is of a special kind which works as the foundation of romance.

The popularity of free dating is widely popular because many sites are emerging which help in arranging dates which maintain strict Christian ethics. These websites does not charge anything. All you have to do is to choose a free dating site carefully so that you can avoid bogus and un-authentic sites.

The amazing thing about free dating sites is that they are better in their service than those who charge $15 to $40. The paid sites show you the profiles only after you pay the partial or the full amount, but the free sites show you them without asking for a penny. The free and paid websites both matches profile with the use of the same software, so it is always the same kind of match you will get. As you do not have to pay that does not mean you will get bad service. Even the most successful websites offer service for free.

There are many websites specializing in Christian dating in the UK. Many website specializes in helping singles of Ireland, Scotland as well as in the UK in finding a perfect match for them. The singles can meet the perfect one for them through the website and it is helping to promote Christian dating in the UK. It helps them to find a perfect match where both have the intention of getting married.

Friday, July 23, 2010

What Do You Believe In ?

Most people don't realize that what they experience or how they experience life is a direct reflection of what they believe. If you believe that things never work out for you or you are always saying things like, "That's my luck," take a guess how things will typically turn out.
If you already know that things are going to turn out bad or that you will get the short end of the stick or your partner will cheat on you or that no matter what the situation you are expecting something to go wrong, well then that core belief, that very kind of thinking is what keeps you in a perpetual negative place expecting the worst and that is no way to live.
Oh sure, there are times that you do expect the best and things still don't work out. Let's say that promotion goes to someone else or you miss your connection and now you're getting in 2 hours later.
What you may not realize is that many times these so called adversities are really blessings in disguise. You may have missed a flight but now you have the chance to catch up on some reading or you may be sitting next to someone in the waiting area who has a connection to help you in business or just so happens to say something you've needed to hear.
The long and short of it is you can choose to moan, cry, and be miserable as you walk down Woe-Is-Me Lane or you can accept that sometimes things don't always work out the way we want and make the best of it anyway.
Plus, let's say you're fearful and worried about something, take any situation, you can worry and fret over it, you can consume yourself with "what if", etc. or you can hope for the best and leave the rest to God/Allah/Your Higher Power and let it go.
The fact is you may get the promotion or make your flight and all of that worrying was a waste of time. Or, you may worry and worry and NOT get the promotion or make the flight and all of that worrying was a waste of time. Either way you worried for nothing!

Start today to make each day one where you expect the best and no matter what happens, even if it isn't what you wanted, it's just a little crab grass in the lawn of life and it's nothing you can't handle and it's certainly nothing that won't pass.
You can choose to believe whatever you want and whichever path you choose to take will make a world of difference in how you view and experience your life.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Prayers for Prosperity

Here's a simple truth for you: abundance and prosperity is the absolute will of God for His children. Yes, that means you and me. How do I know this? This fact is found throughout the Scriptures, spanning centuries of testimonies as evidenced by the people who represent them. So how do I gain access to these riches you might ask. Is there a prosperity prayer I need to pray that will unlock the heavens to pour down the alleged blessings?

       Before you go on your knees in prayer-- know that more than the words, it's the heart that speaks to God. Understand that He desires your good fortune so do not come to Him begging for blessings. He is more than willing to give you your needs and wants. See the world in its overflowing goodness and abundance that is designed with you in mind. Your knowledge of God's benevolent nature determines your trust in His providence.

I praise and thank you for who You are to me. 
You are God, holy and mighty above all (Luke 1:49) 
And there is nothing too hard for you. (Jeremiah 32:27) 
You have given me all things on earth to enjoy. (Psalm 115:16; Jeremiah 27:5) 
You desire the very best for me. (Matthew 7:11; Luke 11:13) 
You want to prosper me (Proverbs 28:35) 
Because You love me. (Jeremiah 31:3; John 1:17; Romans 8:31)

So I come before you in light of your promises; 
Because You are God and You cannot lie (Titus 1:2) 
You will make a way when there seems to be no way, (Joshua 2:10) 
And give me the ability to produce wealth, (Deuteronomy 8:18) 
More than I could ever think or imagine. (Ephesians 3:20)

Your Word is power, (Hebrews 1:3) 
It created the world as we know it. (Hebrews 11:3) 
And I speak this out, 
Expecting the same for my own world. 
So thank you Father, 
I trust in Your love and faithfulness. 

Monday, June 21, 2010

Expressing your Emotions Through Prayer

Prayer is a way for all of us to communicate to God. We children's of god use prayer to get help from God. Prayer is also a way to thank god for the wonderful life he gave to us. How to pray? To pray one can close his eyes and communicate with god through mind talk. If we see prayer as a simple interaction with god then we can say prayer is similar to sharing our feeling and emotion with our best friend.Prayer has urgent significance in our lives. When we communicate with someone every day we tend to get closer with that person. By praying to god, we can get nearer to Him. When we pray daily, we can communicate with Almighty God and leave time for Him in our life. It provides help in leading our life through a less complicated road.Joseph Murphy, a divine science minister and author explains that prayer is a synchronized, congenial, and intelligent function of the conscious and subconscious levels of mind specifically directed for a definite purpose. The majority try and visualise and affirm what they need for an instant, but then they spend the rest of their life undoing this creation by troubling and doubting. Jesus announces "If anyone announces to this mountain, Go, throw yourself into the sea,' and doesn't doubt in his heart but believes that what he says will occur, it's going to be done for him. " if you're unsure that your visualisation and affirmation would happen, then it can never be achieved because the messages you send out are controversial. When your needs and imagination are in conflict, your inventiveness invariably wins.If there's a situation where you have no results from praying and you just can't think of another solution that you could find, then let me suggest you the best action to be taken. You do not need to try harder, you want to relax! the general public who struggle in such circumstances are simply too uptight about making their goals come true . A stressed-out state of mind delays Problems being deciphered. This is the reason why many Christians get answers to their prayers during soaking prayers, where they stop trying too desperately to get answers and allow their sub-conscious mind to clear up their Problems.