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Monday, July 1, 2013

Pastor Kumuyi :God will work wonders in Nigeria.

The General Superintendent of Deeper Life Bible Church, Pastor William Kumuyi , on Sunday urged Africans to believe in God and be united in love so as to overcome the seemingly failure in the country.

He said because all nations serve one God, we should have one goal, vision and direction just like the apostles of the early church who were not divided, but stayed true to each other in faith.

Kunmuyi spoke during the Church two-day special mid-year celebration service held at its Conference Centre on Kilometre 42, Lagos-Ibadan Expressway, Ogun State.

The theme of the service is: “When Mountains Move.”

“We are not alone. God’s power resides in us as we all belong to God as members of His body that cannot be broken. God is faithful in his promise of making us priests and king in his kingdom. We are working together with Him as the tree and humans as the branches,” he said

Sunday, June 2, 2013

How to Live the Life of Christ

If you take a course on writing or attend a writer’s conference, you’ll likely hear the phrase, “Show, don’t tell.” In other words, “show” your readers what is happening, don’t just tell them. Don’t tell readers what you did; describe doing it.
One of the reasons we tend to tell rather than show is that it’s easier and faster. Showing how to do something requires time and effort. In teaching, it’s easier to tell students what’s wrong with what they did than to show them how to do it right. The latter, however, is more effective.
For thousands of years, the Jewish people had only the law telling them what to do and what not to do. But then came Jesus Christ, who showed them how to live the life God had been telling them about all along. Jesus didn’t just say, “Be humble”; He “humbled Himself” (Phil. 2:8). He didn’t just say, “Forgive others”; He forgave us (Col. 3:13). He didn’t just say, “Love God and your neighbors”; He demonstrated love by His actions (John 15:12).
Christ’s perfect example of love shows how great God’s love is for us and how we are to show His love to others.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

God's Plan for Our Difficulities.

. . . that they all may be one, as You, Father, are in Me, and I in You; that they also may be one in Us . . . —John 17:21

If you are going through a time of isolation, seemingly all alone, read John 17 . It will explain exactly why you are where you are— because Jesus has prayed that you “may be one” with the Father as He is. Are you helping God to answer that prayer, or do you have some other goal for your life? Since you became a disciple, you cannot be as independent as you used to be.
God reveals in John 17 that His purpose is not just to answer our prayers, but that through prayer we might come to discern His mind. Yet there is one prayer which God must answer, and that is the prayer of Jesus— “. . . that they may be one just as We are one . . .” (John 17:22). Are we as close to Jesus Christ as that?
God is not concerned about our plans; He doesn’t ask, “Do you want to go through this loss of a loved one, this difficulty, or this defeat?” No, He allows these things for His own purpose. The things we are going through are either making us sweeter, better, and nobler men and women, or they are making us more critical and fault-finding, and more insistent on our own way. The things that happen either make us evil, or they make us more saintly, depending entirely on our relationship with God and its level of intimacy. If we will pray, regarding our own lives, “Your will be done” (Matthew 26:42), then we will be encouraged and comforted by John 17, knowing that our Father is working according to His own wisdom, accomplishing what is best. When we understand God’s purpose, we will not become small-minded and cynical. Jesus prayed nothing less for us than absolute oneness with Himself, just as He was one with the Father. Some of us are far from this oneness; yet God will not leave us alone until we are one with Him— because Jesus prayed, “. . . that they all may be one . . . .”

Friday, May 17, 2013

God's Strong Power

My friend Joann had a strong desire to become a concert pianist and to travel and perform as either a soloist or as a piano accompanist. While majoring in piano performance in college, she developed tendinitis in her right arm, and it became too weak to perform the solo recital that was required. She graduated with a degree in music history and literature instead.
She knew Jesus as her Savior, but she had been rebelling against Him for several years. Then through further difficult circumstances, she sensed the Lord reaching out to her, and she turned back to Him. Eventually her arm grew stronger, and her dream of traveling and performing came about. She says, “Now I could play to God’s glory instead of my own. His outstretched arm restored my spiritual life and the strength in my arm to enable me to serve Him with the gift He gave me.”
The Lord promised Moses that His outstretched arm would rescue the Israelites from bondage in Egypt (Ex. 6:6). He kept that promise even though His often-rebellious people doubted (14:30-31). God’s mighty arm is outstretched for us as well. No matter the outcome of our situation, He can be trusted to bring about His will for each of His children. We can depend on God’s strong arm.
What a fellowship, what a joy divine,
Leaning on the everlasting arms;
O how bright the path grows from day to day,
Leaning on the everlasting arms. —Hoffman
With God’s strength behind you and His arms beneath you, you can face whatever lies ahead of you.

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Answering the call of God for your Life.

The Bible is full of people who God called out of obscurity, less than desirable backgrounds, trained them, filled them with His spirit and thrust them into the deep end to perform His works and do His bidding. From Noah, Nehemiah, Esther, Joseph, Moses, Samuel to Peter, Paul, John then in this day and age, you and me. Many struggle to identify whether God has called them or not. If so they cannot ascertain the area of their calling. As a friend I am here to help you with some information to help you comprehend. I answer six critical questions.

1. What does it mean to be called by God?
To be called by God is to be singled out to perform a specific assignment at a specific time. In the general sense of the word most people refer to those in full - time ministry of the gospel as having the call of God upon their lives, but I put it to you that everyone has a specific call of God in a specific sphere or domain. Sometimes God will allow you to function in a certain area yet that may not be the full - time place of calling for you. Just because you do not stand in the pulpit on Sunday doesn't mean you don't have a divine assignment in the market place where you must show forth His glory by occupying and dominating that domain on behalf of the Kingdom of God.

2. How can you be sure that it is Him and not your own imagination running away with you?
A relationship with God is not a one - sided affair where you do all the talking to Him and He just does as He pleases without telling you what's on His mind. He is always speaking in various ways. There are things He has already said and they are things that He is saying and those that He will say. The trained ear that is trained by habitation in His presence and tuning into the frequency of the Holy Spirit that will hear His voice will discern and not despise what He says through his word and His pastors and prophets. Your calling is already there and it is your responsibility to find out what it is.

3. What does God call people to do?
Jonah was called to go and tell the people of Nineveh to repent, Solomon was called to build the temple, Moses was called to deliver the Children of Israel and Samson was called to deliver the children of Israel from the tyranny of the Philistines. Joseph's calling led him to Egypt via the vehicle of slavery. His being sold into bondage led to the salvation of nations as he became P rime Minister of Egypt and commanded the resources of Egypt to feed the world which was in famine. God calls people into a plethora of assignments, your calling maybe in that job you despise. It may the path that leads you to your true place.

4. What happens when you resist God's call?
God does not call you because he has run out of resources. It is your privilege and honor to serve Him. Jonah tried to run away and learned the hard way about obedience by spending three days and three nights in the belly of a fish. When you choose to disobey God's call and destiny for your life you will wander on the earth, succeed at the wrong thing and still be dissatisfied.

5.Why would He call you and not another?
I do not think it's a case of preferring you over another person, but I am of the mind that we all have our portion and part to play in His Kingdom. He is a just God, doesn't treat everyone the same way. Because He is aware of that which He placed inside you He will use you for a specific purpose which may be different from that of the next person. Some are called to be apostles, some pastors, some evangelists, and some business people. We are not all the same and do no have to be. You may wear the same color dress as your friend and do everything together but that doesn't mean you will end up in the same place.