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Thursday, April 28, 2011

How to Pray An effective Prayer

 Ready, Aim, Pray: How To Make Your Prayers More Powerful And Effective
Why do so many people's prayers go unanswered? It really does seem like prayers are answered in preferential order, since some come to pass and many others don't. Is God really going by some criteria that we have to meet in order to have our prayers answered or could it be that we're just going about praying the wrong way?
From my observation, most people pray by begging for what they want. "Oh please let this happen." Or "I really need this, please bring it to me." If it's something really important, we often barter for the service. "If you heal me of my cancer, I promise to always be nice and loving toward everyone!" Sometimes this works but more often than not, it doesn't. I think it's because this form of prayer places us in a position of powerlessness. We're asking for things we don't think we can attain on our own and that makes us feel powerless and this feeling often brings about results that reflect it. "But I am powerless! I can't cure myself The Power of Simple Prayer: How to Talk with God about Everythingof cancer. I need intervention!"
Who told you you can't cure cancer? In medical terms, it's called spontaneous remission. People are diagnosed with cancer and return weeks or months later for a follow up and there is no sign of it anymore. There are many documented cases of people with Multiple Personality Disorder who have been diagnosed with cancer as one personality but show absolutely no signs of it as another personality. This is proof that we are more powerful than we give ourselves credit for.

Monday, April 11, 2011


Several years ago I moved to England , but have traveled back to USA many times often staying with the same families. One family lived in farm house where a tiny
 Upstairs room always waited me.
            I will never forget one visit when, as usual, I logged my suitcase  up the familiar stairs. This time, however, a secret burden felt heavier than my luggage. As I near the  top of the steps, I saw an old plaque that I forgotten , it read:
HAVE YOU PRAYED ABOUT IT? Panting physically and spiritually I had to admit, “No I haven’t. So I slipped to my knees and finally talk to God about the problem.See How I Pray
            Instead of been anxious nothing, I had to be anxious about everything. Instead of praying about everything. I had prayed about nothing . But now, through prayer, my heavy load of worry became God’s  and His light weight gift of peace became mine.

Monday, April 4, 2011

What To Pray For ?

When Life Goes 'Wrong' On Us
When things become horribly impossible, prayer is the only answer. It really is an admission of who is in control - for we are not!
Prayer is never the wrong thing to do when the world goes haywire on us, for the fact remains, the world's not the problem so much - our default view of things is generally the real issue.
Our prayers then can help us conform our thinking, or at the very least they convict us to a simple peace that God has all this chaos somehow in his charge.The Prayer of Jabez: Breaking Through to the Blessed Life
The Therapeutic Nature of Prayer
This concept then has a soul-beauty about it; even as if we weren't there and weren't able to get in our own way - for there's nothing worse - getting in our own (and God's) way.
Prayer, therefore, is appropriate separation and 'detachment' to the coursings of life. It facilitates the gentle rocking of the soul anesthetised by its Lord.
We're only benefited to train in this activity - to make it part of who we are. It can only help. Our identities are fused this way to a God who designed life, in the first place, to happen in fusion with him and his Spirit.