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Friday, July 23, 2010

What Do You Believe In ?

Most people don't realize that what they experience or how they experience life is a direct reflection of what they believe. If you believe that things never work out for you or you are always saying things like, "That's my luck," take a guess how things will typically turn out.
If you already know that things are going to turn out bad or that you will get the short end of the stick or your partner will cheat on you or that no matter what the situation you are expecting something to go wrong, well then that core belief, that very kind of thinking is what keeps you in a perpetual negative place expecting the worst and that is no way to live.
Oh sure, there are times that you do expect the best and things still don't work out. Let's say that promotion goes to someone else or you miss your connection and now you're getting in 2 hours later.
What you may not realize is that many times these so called adversities are really blessings in disguise. You may have missed a flight but now you have the chance to catch up on some reading or you may be sitting next to someone in the waiting area who has a connection to help you in business or just so happens to say something you've needed to hear.
The long and short of it is you can choose to moan, cry, and be miserable as you walk down Woe-Is-Me Lane or you can accept that sometimes things don't always work out the way we want and make the best of it anyway.
Plus, let's say you're fearful and worried about something, take any situation, you can worry and fret over it, you can consume yourself with "what if", etc. or you can hope for the best and leave the rest to God/Allah/Your Higher Power and let it go.
The fact is you may get the promotion or make your flight and all of that worrying was a waste of time. Or, you may worry and worry and NOT get the promotion or make the flight and all of that worrying was a waste of time. Either way you worried for nothing!

Start today to make each day one where you expect the best and no matter what happens, even if it isn't what you wanted, it's just a little crab grass in the lawn of life and it's nothing you can't handle and it's certainly nothing that won't pass.
You can choose to believe whatever you want and whichever path you choose to take will make a world of difference in how you view and experience your life.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Prayers for Prosperity

Here's a simple truth for you: abundance and prosperity is the absolute will of God for His children. Yes, that means you and me. How do I know this? This fact is found throughout the Scriptures, spanning centuries of testimonies as evidenced by the people who represent them. So how do I gain access to these riches you might ask. Is there a prosperity prayer I need to pray that will unlock the heavens to pour down the alleged blessings?

       Before you go on your knees in prayer-- know that more than the words, it's the heart that speaks to God. Understand that He desires your good fortune so do not come to Him begging for blessings. He is more than willing to give you your needs and wants. See the world in its overflowing goodness and abundance that is designed with you in mind. Your knowledge of God's benevolent nature determines your trust in His providence.

I praise and thank you for who You are to me. 
You are God, holy and mighty above all (Luke 1:49) 
And there is nothing too hard for you. (Jeremiah 32:27) 
You have given me all things on earth to enjoy. (Psalm 115:16; Jeremiah 27:5) 
You desire the very best for me. (Matthew 7:11; Luke 11:13) 
You want to prosper me (Proverbs 28:35) 
Because You love me. (Jeremiah 31:3; John 1:17; Romans 8:31)

So I come before you in light of your promises; 
Because You are God and You cannot lie (Titus 1:2) 
You will make a way when there seems to be no way, (Joshua 2:10) 
And give me the ability to produce wealth, (Deuteronomy 8:18) 
More than I could ever think or imagine. (Ephesians 3:20)

Your Word is power, (Hebrews 1:3) 
It created the world as we know it. (Hebrews 11:3) 
And I speak this out, 
Expecting the same for my own world. 
So thank you Father, 
I trust in Your love and faithfulness. 